Open on Thursday evenings from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. Anyone that needs prayer for physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual healing is encouraged to drop in. There is no appointment needed and no fee involved.
Empowering Believers A Ministry of Healing, Transformation, and Restoration, empowering believers to walk in full color and fulfill their destinies.
The Basic Seminar is a 6-week discipleship program that ends with a one-day conference at Rapha. Rapha Stream is a teaching and healing ministry designed to help you gain and maintain victory in your life. This course is held semi-annually.
The Basic Seminar is a 6-week discipleship program that ends with a one-day conference at Rapha. Rapha Stream is a teaching and healing ministry designed to help you gain and maintain victory in your life. This course is held semi-annually.

Our trained ministry teams are available after each Sunday Morning Worship Service to intercede with you about any need you may have. They will be standing in the front left area of the sanctuary following the service. While this ministry is not done in a private room your prayer requests will be kept confidential.
Prayer ministry modeled after Isaiah 61:1-4 where we utilize different prayer ministry models by keeping the principles of SOZO (Greek NT word for saved, healed, delivered, and preserved). The Holy Spirit heals the inner man (soul) into wholeness.
We offer personal prayer ministry for physical healing, inner healing and deliverance. A prayer team consisting of two or three team members is assigned to each ministry receiver. Individual appointment prayer sessions are conducted in private rooms to ensure confidentiality and may last up to 2 hours depending on the type of ministry and the work of the Holy Spirit. Ministry is available by appointment only.
For ministry by appointment (Isaiah 61/SOZO) call the office or email office@raphanc.com.
We offer personal prayer ministry for physical healing, inner healing and deliverance. A prayer team consisting of two or three team members is assigned to each ministry receiver. Individual appointment prayer sessions are conducted in private rooms to ensure confidentiality and may last up to 2 hours depending on the type of ministry and the work of the Holy Spirit. Ministry is available by appointment only.
For ministry by appointment (Isaiah 61/SOZO) call the office or email office@raphanc.com.

Rapha Connection Groups
We have groups meeting weekly around our area that focus on connection to others and the heart of the Father! If you are interested in finding or joining a group near you, head the connection counter on Sunday or check out the "Connect" tab on our APP.
Rapha Women gather monthly on the 2nd Saturday from 9:30AM until 11AM for an encouraging word and to build relationships with one another and uplift each other.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. Take to heart these words that I give you today. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you’re at home or away, when you lie down or get up. Write them down, and tie them around your wrist, and wear them as headbands as a reminder. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. " Deuteronomy 6:5-9

"But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Luke 18:16-17
Rapha Kids meet on Sunday Mornings. Nursery and Preschool students begin class at 10:30AM with worship and a lesson. Elementary students begin class at 11AM after attending worship in the sanctuary.
We utilize the GROW curriculum which is focused on scripture and building our students up with strong biblical foundations from our babies all the way to our 5th graders. Lessons are tailored to each age groups and taught by loving and God honoring teachers.
We desire for our students to have a personal relationship with Jesus knowing He is our HOPE, He is our HEALER, and He can RESTORE all things. As a church of His Presence students are taught how to worship, how to pray, and how to experience the fullness of God!
Rapha Youth meets on Sunday mornings in the big classroom in the gym following worship.
We utilize the GROW curriculum which is focused on scripture and building our students up with strong biblical foundations from our babies all the way to our 5th graders. Lessons are tailored to each age groups and taught by loving and God honoring teachers.
We desire for our students to have a personal relationship with Jesus knowing He is our HOPE, He is our HEALER, and He can RESTORE all things. As a church of His Presence students are taught how to worship, how to pray, and how to experience the fullness of God!
Rapha Youth meets on Sunday mornings in the big classroom in the gym following worship.
There are bags of food available for anyone in need to take with them when they come to Rapha. These are located in the foyer near the door.
On the 3rd Sunday of the Month we invite all who attend the service to bring non-perishable items to add to our pantry. These items fill bags for our congregation and support local ministries in the area.
On the 3rd Sunday of the Month we invite all who attend the service to bring non-perishable items to add to our pantry. These items fill bags for our congregation and support local ministries in the area.