
Pastors & Leaders

Greg & Carole Lewis

Lead Pastors

Pastor Greg's passion is God's presence. His life mission is to bring individuals into their God-given purpose for their lives and to see them walk in  healing and restoration.

Pastor Greg has a diverse ministry background including church planting, missions, military chaplain, and resource manger. He has spent over eight years overseas and has an in-residence earned Bachelor of Science and a Master of Divinity Degree.

Pastor Greg and his wife Carole have been married for over 39 years and have two grown children. 

John & Sophi Spurrier

Worship Leaders

John and Sophi were born and raised in Candler, NC and love their hometown. They are high school sweethearts and parents who lead the Creative Arts and Worship Ministry. John has been leading worship in various capacities for over 12 years. 

Their passion and mission is to lead others into passionate worship of the King. They desire to give Him their best and lead others to find freedom, restoration, and healing in His presence. They desire to help others unlock their creativity and talent, pursue a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Lord, and share the joy of the Lord with our community. 

Mike & Sharon Malone

Rapha Streams Directors

God has given them a passion to see people set free to receive all that God has for them. Set free from Strongholds that hold them captive and keep them from growing into who God created them to be.  

Their favorite quote is, "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Roy & Sarah Crettol

His Presence Healing Rooms Directors

Roy and Sarah are a husband and wife who have co-led Healing Rooms since 2019. They are passionate believers of personal transformation thru prayer and restoring the power of God.

They desire to bring people together from many different Christian backgrounds and experiences to pray for the sick with compassion and faith in Jesus Christ. They invite you to visit Healing Rooms in experience  God's incredible, unchanging power to heal your every physical , emotions, spiritual, and relational need. 

Jean Drzewiecki

Isaiah 61/SOZO Ministry Director & Hospitality Coordinator

Mrs. Jean's desires is to see individuals set free from their past hurts and pain and walk in complete freedom. 

Mike & Leslea Fargnoli

Prophetic Worship and Intercession Leaders

Mike and Leslea are graduates of Christ of the Nations and have been in ministry for 30 years. Their hunger and passion for leading people into the Presence of God through worship and prayer is what brought them to Western North Carolina believing this region is ripe for Revival and the next great move of God.

It is their desire to create an atmosphere through worship that will allow Holy Spirit to rest on His people allowing them to pray accordingly for this region, our nation, church, and church family.

They believe agreement is crucial in prayer which is why they encourage people to pray out loud so others can agree with them. When we worship, we are agreeing with who God is while intercession and praying is agreeeing with what God promised to do.