Relief Efforts at Rapha House

What we are doing in WNC

Thank you to everyone who has generously given of their time and gifts, sent donations, and supported relief efforts at Rapha House. You are the hands and feet of Jesus and your support has brought life and hope to a devastated region.
We are continuing to see a shift in what the Lord is doing in WNC and at Rapha House and we are honored to have the privilege of continuing to support the rebuilding of our area and meeting people's needs. We are setting up to provide more long term rebuilding and relief. We are partnering with several groups to provide...
-resources and supplies,
-coordinating volunteers,
-and continuing rebuilding efforts.

Take a look at some photos and videos below to get an idea of some of the things going on in our community.
If you are interested in partnering with ongoing efforts in WNC, the best way to currently help is through monetary donations which will help meet the ever changing needs
of families walking through the process of rebuilding.
 100% of money given goes to relief efforts
 including getting folks back into a home and
providing necessary supplies until that happens.
All gifts are tax deductible, and you can follow
how Rapha is helping on our Facebook page

How it Started

Delivering Supplies to the
Surrounding Communities including
Marshall and Burnsville

Some of our Relief Efforts to Shelby
and Christmas Gifts

Most pictures do not show the recipients of supplies or their homes to protect their privacy (other than those who have given permission) and uphold their dignity during this difficult time. 

Rebuilding Terry's Home

Thank you to all of the individuals who gave and various organizations who helped rebuild Terry's home!  The photo at the top of the page of the houses underwater was taken in Terry's neighborhood.