His Presence Healing Rooms

Welcome to His Presence Healing Rooms! We get excited when visitors want to know more about us, so here is a short summary of our background and beliefs.
Photo of Painting by Vrindy in Rapha House  foyer

Our Ministry

Our ministry has been in operation at Rapha House since February 2014, and we are in partnership with the International Association of Healing Rooms (IAHR, for short) under Cal Pierce in Spokane, Washington (www.healingrooms.com). We are students of his biblically based healing teachings and believe in his vision for the international expansion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our mission statement is to "Equip and unite the Body of Christ to share God's love and His Spirit with all people." We accomplish this is three main ways. 
His Presence Healing Rooms is open on Thursday nights from 6:30-8:00PM

Healing Prayer

We provide free healing prayer to our surrounding communities, both in person and  by phone on Thursday Nights from 6:30-8:00pm with no appointment required. There are limitations with telephone prayer but it is a blessing for folks who are too ill to leave their house for healing prayer.

Prayer session typically involve 2-3 volunteers in a private ministry room who pray in faith over any mental, physical, emotional, financial, or relational concerns while allowing Holy Spirit to minister with His gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7-11)

We strive to keep our doors open year round with the exceptions of inclement weather or major holidays falling close to Thursday nights. We try to post these to Rapha's website, His Presence Healing Rooms' facebook page, and the IAHR website.

Please feel free to join us on Thursday nights!

1 Day Teaching Conference

We offer a one day <free!> bi-annual teaching conference on healing that include worship, teachings, and impartations to our local and extended communities. Everyone is welcome to attend and learn about healing with Holy Spirit.

Healing Team

After our teaching conference we extend the opportunity to Christian attendees to apply for our healing team.