Hope. Healing. Restoration.

A  Catch the Fire Church of Asheville


We're glad you're here, and we'd love to know how we might serve you. 


No matter where you are on your journey towards Jesus, you are welcome at our gatherings. 


Join us as we encourage one another and build one another up in Jesus. 

Disaster Response at Rapha House

Support Disaster Response

You can give! 100% of the funds donated to disaster relief at Rapha House will go to just that: disaster relief! Providing food, water, cleaning supplies, and basic needs to families all over the region, providing relief to families whose homes were damaged or destroyed and those who no longer have a place to work or will be without work for an extended period of time. Rapha House has set up a separate account for disaster relief which can be found on our website and app. Funds donated are tax deductible and will be used only for supporting people affected by disaster.

You can pray! Pray that the love of God will shine brighter than the darkness, pray for the trauma that all the people of the region have faced and still face daily, pray for peace, restoration of the region and people's lives, and that our hearts will stay focused on the one true living God.

Check out the latest sermon


Gathering Times

Sundays at 10:30am
Wednesdays at 7:00pm